Gelax Kaz'kal

Gelax Kaz'kal

Gelax Kaz'kal is the eldest bastard daughter of Gelth Kazaros, fathered by Lexar, a tall, submissive husband to a bullying wife who sadly caught her lady's eye one fateful day. The gangly man was hardly able to resist being taken in by Gelth Kazaros's men, and so his final acts were fathering Gelax before dying a tortured death.   A largely broken, miserable teenager, Gelax is happy to lash out at anything, as long as it won't result in her directly confronting the people who made her so downtrodden. She, like her younger half-sister, lives in Castle Kazaros, desperately trying to prove herself worthy of legitimisation so she can be heir to the Flowerfields. In her mind, this power is the only thing that will make her accursed life worth the struggle.   Raised by Gelth during a time when her Aunty Elrax hadn't yet found her spine, she was largely alone and victimised. Elrax never participated in her early years' abuse, but she never defended her either. Gelax's most formative memories of abuse include finding a set of abandoned kittens, asking her mother if she could keep them, only to find them skinned the next day, and of course, the day she first bled, which Gelth took as a sign that she was ready to join the 'family trade' like her baby sister Elrax before her. Elrax, weak and unsure what to do, failed to protect Gelax as she became part of a sexual game no girl her age or any should have been forced into.   Gelax's resentment stewed within herself, against her mother for making her into a fellow serial killer and against her aunt for what she deemed to be feigned regret. She asked a knight of the city, Mazral, to teach her basic swordplay, and one day hopes to stab her mother through the gut, but not a moment before she sees her surname become Kazaros.   As she grew and her little sister, Magaral, proved to be cuter, more well-liked by her second cousins, the Foenaxas children, and furthermore, was defended from joining the 'family trade' by an Elrax whose spine had materialised from nowhere, her hatred only intensified. In a desperate attempt to inflict the same torment she endured from her first blood, she began molesting her younger sister, only to be caught by Elrax. Her aunt subsequently installed locks on Magaral's bedroom doors, though Gelth, undermining her sister's efforts, regularly unlocks the door regardless, only to reprimand Gelax if she's ever caught. Her mental state has understandably deteriorated over time, with her only salvation being a well-meaning Pantheistic priest, Ascetic Malcolm, who acts as her religious confidant.   Hence, Gelax continues to play the role of the eager torturer, the prodigy of evil she thinks her mother wants her to be, all for the moment where she can be made a Kazaros. And once that happens, Gelth, Elrax, Magaral, everyone who failed protect and love her, will all be on her kill list.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gelax is a lanky teenager who is partly developed. Her face is starting to form into an approximation of an adult elf's, and she wears her golden hair long and straight. She has golden eyes just like her mother, but is already taller than her when she chooses to stand up straight.   She likes to wear reds and blacks in imitation of Lady Gelth, however she isn't brave enough about her still-developing figure to wear a corset or anything remotely revealing, settling for simple, practical dresses. When she's training with the Kazaros guardsmen, she wears a dun tunic and trousers.


Contacts & Relations

Wisdom Helagg (tutor)
Sir Mazral (sword trainer)
Ascetic Malcolm (religious confidant)
Zerox (stalker and fanboy)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Gelax is an Arkheran Pantheist, and regularly uses the confessional to tell priests about her crimes working with her mother. She's not sure if the gods exist or not, but she values the institution as a form of emotional support.
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
536 AGA 15 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The Flowerfields
Current Residence
The Flowerfields
Golden Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brownish Black
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Tongue


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