
Immortal is a blanket term used to describe beings directly created by gods to interact directly with the universe, usually to liaise with mortals, but not necessarily. Immortals made to interact with mortals are not necessarily friendly, however; their purpose could be to kill or maim; interactions run the gamut. The difference between an immortal and their god is that a god hides within their realm and tend to only interact with Godspeakers, while immortals can interact with any mortal and are generally far more limited in their power.   The current known types of immortal are as follows:   Timekeepers: Immortals of Dolora, the Primordial Darkness, there to fix any mortals brazen enough to disrupt the flow of time through magic. Fleeting and displaced from time, they tend to only be perceptible to the mortal they're hunting.

Star Dragons: Immortals of Helicos, the First Light. Instead of interacting with mortals, their goal is to forge as many stars as possible. Star dragon corpses themselves become nebulae, and due to their bodies being deeply entangled arcane matter, star clusters that form from them allow for mortals with arcane abilities to evolve.

Immortals of the Rakh'vash, Entropy Incarnate, and naturally the most unpredictable and varied immortal type. They are shapeshifting, octopoid beings who adopt a humanoid form to appeal to mortals as often as they consume mortal flesh to grow into horrific monsters.

Immortals of the Rakh'norv, Order Embodied. These unnerving beings tend to look the same; as relatively featureless, luminous bald androgynous humanoids in white robes, characterised by their eyes with black sclerae and white irises. They tend to be unchanging, inflexible, and preachy, forever intending to impose order on mortals. Occasionally smart enough to start religions.

Immortals of the Harr'jekh, Life's Wellspring. These creatures aren't always in the form of a burning bird, but they're always resurrectively immortal, able to be reborn over and over again. They tend to be more interested in ecosystems as a whole rather than individual mortals, and tend to take an overseer role in non-mystical ecosystems.

Immortals of the Harr'khel, Death Inevitable. Harvesters are immortals that largely keep to themselves unless a mortal has extended their life beyond natural means. While the Golden Galdusian Empire has found ways around them through ascension, any other mortal seeking avoidance of death will have to regularly fight these beings off.

Immortals of the Mother. These creatures act as spirit guides to the recently deceased, offering a more individualistic experience that the one-size-fits-all Mother cannot provide as the spirit makes its way to the Mother's Meadow, or, if the spirit is too individualistic or evil, the Underworld.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Immortals, while often being created to directly interact with mortals, often have a slightly skew form of empathy and mental reasoning. Angels are often concrete in thought, daemons can be incomprehensible and animalistic, harvesters barely register mortal expressions and instead stare straight through to their souls. They tend to have greater understanding of mortals than their assigned gods, but even then, their sapience is often questionable.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Ilazari Maltheism
The Daemons of Arkhera
Maman's Cult
The Golden Galdusian Empire
Ilazari Plague Empire
The Angelic Order of Sula
Nandani Draconism

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Immortals tend to be a more approachable mirror of their associated god, so their relationship with mortals depends entirely on this. Timekeepers are only there to correct aberrant, time twisting mortals and thus have an antagonistic relationship with them, Star Dragons are barely aware of mortals due to their alternate purpose of creating stars, daemons are usually interesting in mortals, but in what manner varies from seeing them as food to seeing them as lovers. Ultimately, they vary from type to type, and even then, often vary per individual.
Divine Will


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