
Large, superficially brutal and hairy all over, orcs are a large humanoid species endemic to the Arkheran Isles. They were the original natives of mainland Arkhera, and formed the nation's first city, Parakos. Wanderers and nomads by nature, orcs are enthralled by a persistent wanderlust that drives them to discover anything and everything. Hence, orcs have colonised almost every inch of their homeland, while orcs who have carried their instinctive wanderlust into the modern day express themselves as adventuring archeologists who globe-trot without permanent residence.   In Arkhera, if a building is impressive, the chances are an orcish work crew built it. If a lord or lady is particularly afraid for their safety, you can guarantee the majority of their guard force is orcish. If a crime family needs a job done quickly and effectively, an orc is the thug for the job. Despite being large, unusually quick, and durable, orcs have one glaring issue; their brains lack an arcana node.   This means that orcs are incapable of natural magic as well as acquired skills like spellwork, though their lack of concentrated arcane material at the amygdala seems to be mitigated by the presence of arcane substances throughout their body. This suggests that multiple facets of their massive size and speed have arcana to thank for.   Rumours exist regarding an orcish mage within Arkhera. How this mystery mage would be able to cast spells without an arcana node is unknown...

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

One of the few places not completely covered in hair for orcs is the face, though the majority of it is covered in males, who tend to sport thick beards, while orcish women can often have completely bald faces. In their mouths they have two elongated lower canines known as 'tusks', which protrude from the mouth and act as a display.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs are largely endemic to mainland Arkhera, though a few have settled peacefully in the neighbouring isles of Wor'ghan and Sanguinas Isle. Despite this, they exist in multiple morphs throughout the isle, being decently common in all areas.

Average Intelligence

Orcs are sapient, empathetic, social and strongly tribal creatures, valuing family and associations greatly. Orcs are natural nomads and have a strong wanderlust instinct, which in urban settings where exploration may be limited has manifested in the form of aggression from lack of fulfillment.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orcs name themselves after deeds they've accomplished (in older orcs) or traits they possess (in younger orcs), potentially renaming multiple times over their lives. These deed-based names can be based on the Common Tongue or Old Orcish, and are generally gender-neutral, though often coded by their actions being stereotypically male/female. Oftentimes orcs translate their Common Tongue orcish name into Old Orcish when they wish to be esteemed or classy.   Common Tongue name examples: Bricklayer, Bookworm, Onetooth, Backbreaker, Bloodmetal, Notongue.
Old Orcish name examples: Ki'nasak (Small Moon), Bherkhalit Lakash (Glittering Skin/Scales), Sharkas (They Who Doubt), Sor'gall (Esteemed Architect), Marek (Wolf), Konn'garr (Deformed Horn).

Major Organizations

Elective House of Daemonwing (Arkhera)
Peachvale Horde (Arkhera)
Hell's Riders (Arkhera)
Black Ghosts (Arkhera)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Urban orcs generally get on well with other Arkheran settlers despite their turbulent history, though tribal orcs such as the Hell's Riders and Peachvale Horde still plague Arkheran travellers regardless of their race due to a rampant raider culture. Urban orcs, while feared for their height and strength, are generally valued by other races. Any Arkheran can tell you how much an orcish building crew is appreciated when a job needs doing.
Scientific Name
Homo prodigis pellis
Kakajuan Humanoid
50-90 years
Average Height
Average Physique
Orcs are huge, with muscular bodies that are as exceptionally broad as they are exceptionally tall. The full extent of their muscularity is hidden beneath a thick layer of fur (this layer is slightly thinner in women). They tend to have wide, large legs that help balance their tall bodies and thick, supportive thighs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orcish skin, where visible, is copper-coloured, while their fur is usually dark brown or black. Their eyes have little range too, either brown or black.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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