Plutyn Khanas

Sir Plutyn Khanas (a.k.a. The Boss, Lord Khanas)

Born the second son of Charyn Khanas of Moonstone, Plutyn was generally considered to be a future field medic for his father's crime syndicate rather than any leader while growing up. It was just as well; even as a child, Plutyn had a difficult time expressing his emotions to anybody beyond his older brother, Mortyn. He was thought to be a miserable child whose skills would lie in academics, and so from the age of ten, he would immerse himself in books, considering his younger sister, Plutera, to be an irritating nuisance and an impediment to his studies.   Charyn Khanas, at the insistence of his wife, Rowena, pushed Mortyn to betroth himself to Plutera in order to keep a relatively pure bloodline, despite Mortyn's objections that the girl was seven years his junior. Plutyn watched these shenanigans from the sidelines, happy to simply cut open his father's gangsters, rearrange the broken parts into something functional, then sew them back together.   Mortyn would confide in Plutyn that he didn't want to be a criminal boss when his father died, and that he didn't even want to marry Plutera; after all, Plutera much more clearly liked Plutyn. Suddenly, ages of playful annoyance from the little girl made sense, but even then, he didn't extend his smiles to anyone beyond his brother. Plutyn told Mortyn that unfortunately for all involved, they weren't the boss. Charyn was.   When Charyn Khanas was inevitably killed by a Liquid Shade Cartel funded assassin, Mortyn would ruefully take up his father's crime syndicate and to his mother's disappointment, attempt to make it more tied to legitimate business pursuits than the usual blackmail, extortion, and smuggling the Khanas Family were known for. Most notably, he would invest in numerous building projects as a way to 'give back' to Moonstone.   This led to numerous high-ranking members of the gang to believe that the Khanas leadership had grown soft, and Plutyn could see the writing on the wall. He gathered a network of loyal allies, and warned his older brother that a betrayal was incoming, but Mortyn simply couldn't accept that these people he'd grown up with would betray him. He attempted to reach out to the main complainer, Bookkeeper Owen, who responded by stabbing him in the chest.   Rowena Khanas was broken-hearted, but Plutyn was a man of practicality; to him, grieving was a luxury that couldn't be afforded when his family's future was on the line. As such, he mobilised his loyal allies and a group of sequestered away failed surgery attempts he'd since raised as mindless zombies, killing anyone in the gang who hadn't personally affirmed their loyalty, along with their families, friends, and loved ones. No loose ends or revenge could be allowed, after all.   In the end, cold-blooded murder had served as a replacement for charisma, and Plutyn was now leader of the Khanas crime syndicate. His mother had committed suicide in the intervening bloodshed, but Plutyn's grief was reserved entirely for his older brother. He would cry when no gang members could see him daily, only occasionally accompanied by his younger sister, Plutera.   Eventually, he would accept the idea of marrying her to continue his bloodline, and so they did, having one child together that unfortunately killed Plutera in childbirth. To continue her legacy in a bizarre necromantic rendition of a tribute, Plutyn would name his daughter Plutera also. Each person he'd trusted enough to love had found a way to die, so he promised his infant daughter that he would protect her, and when she was old enough, train her to be able to fend for herself in the ruthless world of the underground.   As such, young Plutera is now his only pride and joy, and while the criminal boss has gone up in the world, taking in the noble bastard, Rarakhi, and using his connections to Count Rakh Fel'thuz to secure both a knighthood and a place on the Moonstone council, his ultimate goal is to ensure that Plutera, no matter what life she chooses, will live a full, meaningful life that his siblings never got the chance to.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Plutyn Khanas is tall and thin, with a gaunt, bony face and a widow's peak in his hair, which is tied into a short ponytail at the back. He prefers to keep his short tail unseen, and his clothing is usually long and flowing, in his branch's colours; black, with a pale green inner lining. His sleeves are wide and multiple tassels hang from his clothes. He is said to be completely incapable of smiling,and on the rare occasion he does, it's a muted, awkward smile.


Contacts & Relations

Overlady Kag'nemera Selenia (employer)
Count Rakh Fel'thuz (noble associate)
Chancellor of Vaults Enva (fellow councilor and close financial coworker)
Minister of Works Blueprint (former legitimate business associate, currently fellow councilor)
Bloodmetal (resurrectee)
Notongue (resurrectee)
Various other members of the Khanas Family (employees)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Plutyn doesn't believe in gods worth worshiping, and doesn't believe he'll be held accountable following death unless he was made into a revenant. He does, however, believe in souls, as his research into advanced necromancy has forced him to accept this as the only valid conclusion as to why certain resurrections work and certain ones are impossible and/or extremely difficult.


Neutral Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight of Moonstone
Minister of Criminal Affairs
Year of Birth
508 AGA 43 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Upper Class
Current Residence
Pale green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Old Galdusian


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