Principality of Oukina Mori


Oukina Mori is ruled by a bloodline of humans appointed by the draconic creator of the forest some ten thousand years ago. That bloodline at any given time will have a potently magical King or Queen of the forest to protect the ecological harmony of the forest. The forest elves respect this family as divine in nature and uphold them as cultural figures as well as an ultimate authority. The forest elves themselves have several large villages around the forest, each with some ten to fifty thousand residents led by a single daimyou.   Daimyou are politically independent from each other but obedient to the Royal Magus, though one daimyou in particular-- Kusari Jin-- is regarded with greater authority than the others for their closer relationship with the Royal Magus and frightening military power. Daimyou are free to appoint their heirs to inherit their power once they die, however the Royal Magus retains the right to veto and may select a new leader if they believe it to be appropriate.


The Forest's culture is quite homogenous: The elves, with their slight telepathic link, can almost be compared to a hive mind. This does away with currency, crime, and other complications that civilisations might expect, but it also hampers diversity in thought and the elves are not well known for being innovators. Despite the lack of cultural diversity, the existing culture is rich. Traditions going back millennia are practised with every generation, to protect the people from the horrors that lurk in the forest, and to honour the forest as if it were a goddess.   The faith of the forest, as it's usually called, is practiced universally. There are no temples, but there are many shrines and statues throughout Oukina Mori, depicting many of the more wonderful creatures that live deep within. Many of these shrines mark sacred sites where supernatural phenomena are known to occur; the most frequent of these is the communion with spirits. It's believed that the soul of any living creature, upon death, remains in the forest to watch over their loved ones. When the loved ones pass and the memory of the dead is lost, the soul is free to be reborn. This belief is given credibility by the fact it is not an uncommon opportunity to be comforted by lost loved ones in times of grief when visiting these sacred sites.   Outside of religious practice, the forest elves can be grouped into two major groups: Those who fight, and those who do not. Since the villages are often attacked by jianshi, and occasionally creatures far more terrifying, the military duties of those who are capable are never overlooked. If you can fight, you must fight. Training begins at a very young age, and by the time an elf is fifteen years old they're expert warriors. Those who cannot fight (usually due to failing physical requirements during childhood training or having weaker telepathy) will find roles in agriculture, child rearing, confectionery, or the various other trades of the forest.

Public Agenda

The people of the forest don't yearn for change. While some embrace trade with outside nations for convenience goods and technology, most care only about maintaining tradition, protecting the villages, and prospering. Change could compromise the safety or sanctity of the forest, and is thus generally unwelcome.


Oukina Mori is a major exporter of exotic fruits and confectionery, particularly to its neighbour Wrenfall, a nation where the cold winters and less fertile lands are hardly favourable for growing fruits. The Royal Magus is also known around the world as generally one of, if not the single most notable mage in the world, and is occasionally requested to resolve foreign disputes. While some previous Royal Magi have cooperated with them, the majority have not. The current King Magus's granddaughter, Lilla, however, is exceptionally powerful and notably curious about diplomacy with foreign nations--a curiosity that may come to benefit (or harm) the outside world when she eventually comes into power.


230,000 BGA (Before Garlan's Ascension): Oukina Mori, the dragon, kills and devours a Yukishiman giant. This event provides her with enough energy to create a warm rainforest in an otherwise barren and freezing wasteland.   40,000 BGA: White elves and humans cross the Slaver's Strait into Yukishima, trying to escape early Galdusian brutality. The humans and elves became divisive in the hostile climate with limited food, and the humans took the coastline and forced the elves inland, braving even harsher conditions in their exploration. The majority died, but some found the forest. Over time and with magical interference from the dragon, their biology changed and the descendants of the founding population became the modern forest elf.   10400 BGA: Humans from the Himataki Valley Region--a large expanse of more temperate, fertile valleys on the coast of Yukishima south east of Oukina Mori--discover the forest. They have been regularly fighting magical creatures in the Himataki Region and come to mistakenly believe that the forest is the source of these creatures. They venture in and a long war between the uncoordinated military forces of various Himataki villages invade Oukina Mori and attempt to slaughter anything they find and burn the giant trees.   10305 BGA: After nearly a hundred years of bloodshed, the humans reveal a new weapon, a kogane by the name of Hanako. Hanako's initial intent was to obey the wishes of her people, but her heart was peaceful and not long after seeing the peace the elves desired, she turned on her people and forced them to leave the forest. The forest elves warily accepted Hanako, but after some weeks of her trying to live in the forest, they turned on her. A vocal, fearful few would manage to convince the majority that Hanako was dangerous and the whole thing was a trick. They captured her in her sleep and made to execute her, but Oukina Mori woke up. She saw possibility in this young human, and offered her a deal: She and her bloodline would serve the needs of the forest forever, and she will be given the means to save herself from this execution. Hanako accepted, and not much later the forest elves would name her the Queen Magus. She took the name Mori, which simply means of the forest, etymology derived from the dragon's name.   2053 BGA: The last kogane-no-kami King Magus, a man named Hibiki. Not much is known about Mori Hibiki, but what is known is that his story is one of pain and regret. Legend says that Hibiki, like all Moris, courted a human, Yua, from Wrenfall (a nation formed in the Himataki Valley Region once the villages unified) and married her. Hibiki loved Yua dearly, but she failed to give him any children. All King Magi must have an heir, and so he became increasingly distressed and gradually manifested in physical abuse of his beloved wife. One day, he hit her hard enough that, upon striking the ground, her head cracked open and her life was extinguished. In panic, he attempted to resurrect her, but this was magic he wasn't familiar with and Yua came back as something other than human. Some time passed after her death, and Hibiki took many women into his home just to give him children. These women were neglected and unloved. When one gave him children, he walked into Lake Haremizu and drowned himself. His ghost is still often seen at the edge of the lake, weeping for his dead wife and unable to be reborn--unforgotten by the elves as an icon of cultural significance.   301 AGA: The Queen Magus at the time accepts foreign visitors, and a fragile political and trade relationship begins to form with the Soltelle Empire.   445 AGA: The current King Magus, Kazu Mori, ascends to power at the relatively young age of thirty-three, not having found a wife yet.   447 AGA: Kazu Mori takes the Soltelle woman Elsa as his wife, securing the next set of heirs' existence.   535 AGA: The first kogane-no-kami in millennia, Lilla Mori, is born, as the granddaughter of Kazu Mori. So remarkable is her hosting of the Thread that her hair is practically made of it.

Demography and Population

Forest Elves (99.99%)
Human Kogane (0.01%)

In duty, we find peace. In duty, we prosper. In duty, we find Her.


  • Oukina Mori
    Map of Oukina Mori and its villages.
Founding Date
10305 BGA
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
The Great Forest
The Forest
The Woods of the North
The Waterlands of Yukishima
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
None (barter economy)
Major Exports
Exotic Fruits
Major Imports
Raw Metals
Legislative Body
Royal Magus
Village Daimyous
Judicial Body
Royal Magus
Village Daimyous
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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