Quira Abraxas

Royal Advisor Quira Abraxas

Royal Advisor Quira Abraxas has no business being as cheery as she is, but sometimes, perseverance pays off. Born to the Abraxases of the Shrine of the Dead the same day her mother died, Quira's earliest memories of her father are hazy and incomplete. By the time she was old enough to ride a carriage, her father, Lord Rhaeus Abraxas, sent her off to the Divine Halls to be fostered with the Werenthos family and their advisors, the Senheils.   The Senheils, being a cousin family to the Abraxases, took a strong interest in young Quira. Her newborn cousin, Serella, would grow up to idolise and adore her, their mutual grandmother and Plutera, held an aloof but matriarchal role to her. Her Uncle Saruin, meanwhile watched over her keenly, as he'd recently lost his wife to childbirth too, and wanted a new, young wife; like most spellbinderly and necromantic families, the Abraxas-Senheils were wont to shake the family tree first. This was in spite of the one break in Quira's fostering being when Rhaeus sent her to meet a prospective marriage candidate, the seerish heir to the Crystal Palace, Verawyn Verawor.   Not letting matters like parental or personal permission get in the way, Saruin Senheil would attempt to have his way with Quira on her sixteenth naming day, citing that she was a woman grown, however, the Werenthos patriarch, El'koran Werenthos, didn't see it this way, and imprisoned Quira's molester with prejudice. He would later disappear from his cell prior to his execution, which prompted Rhaeus to march with an army to the Divine Halls and demand his daughter back.   While Quira was grateful that her father, despite his distant nature, proved he cared for her, she was sad to see her foster family be left behind, especially El'koran's heir, Arwyn, who would often go flower-viewing with her, and Serella, who'd shared a passion for poetry with her. Once she got home to the Shrine of the Dead, however, she would come to regret any gratitude, as Rhaeus, in his defensive madness, forbade her from leaving his manor.   As such, Quira grew bored, restless, and more wont to comfort eat than ever. When Royal Advisor Yal'devon Boathis's teenaged son, Yal'dan, returned from Deathsport to become a full-time trainee swordsman in the Shrine of the Dead, Quira was quick to lust for him. She would quietly manipulate matters so that he'd have duties within her manor, and one fateful night seduced him. The two would become inseparable, only stopping when Lord Rhaeus caught them mid-coitus, and banned the boy from serving in the manor.   A couple of years later, Rhaeus would collapse under the stress of his life, and die of a supposed stomach illness (likely self-poisoning). This left Quira as lady of her city at the tender age of nineteen, with only Yal'dan as a constant companion. The knight had since grown longing and eager to please while Quira had moved on, but she was too desperate for companionship to rebuff him.   When she was twenty, Quira undertook her first crisis as lady, as the Peachvale Horde performed an unusual feat of leaving the Great Vale and taking over the Shrine of the Dead. While Quira and Yal'dan left in time, the peasants' numbers were once again decimated from their already low figures following her grandfather Eridius's rebellion. She retreated to her second home, the Divine Halls, and here, while waiting for the Werenthos army to gather its strength, she explored the abandoned manor known as Riversong Hall.   This unnerving, overgrown wreck contained three near-identical daemons that claimed to be human sisters; Luna, Meredith, and Lyra, the Riversong sisters, pretenders of a long-dead minor noble house. They attached themselves to Quira, and promised to help her reclaim her home. As such, with the assistance of the Riversongs and Werenthoses, Quira and Yal'dan reclaimed their near-worthless home from the savage orcs that took it.   It wasn't without cost, however; Yal'dan was gravely injured, close to death. Quira, in desperation, healed the necrotic parts of him, ultimately resurrecting him to a state of partial undeath. While his brain and soul are very much alive, Yal'dan now requires constant maintenance and animation in numerous otherwise dead parts of his body.   Later on, Quira would investigate rumours regarding Apostle Petyr Godswater and his alleged bastards. In the process, he found some of the apostle's person ascetics attempting to murder a teenaged girl in cold blood, following the murder of her mother. Quira sicced the Riversongs on the ascetics and rescued the girl, then took her home and raised her as her younger sister. As such, her heir and currently acting lady is not a blood relative, but her human adoptive sibling, Dolora.   When Landon Shearwater ascended later, he would appoint Quira's cousin, Serella Senheil, as his secondary heir. Following this, Serella suggested he appoint her cousin, Quira, as royal advisor, owing to her demonstrable strength throughout governing ordeals as Lady of the Shrine of the Dead. Landon agreed with his princess and subsequently appointed her. Quira accepted the role and gave Dolora the title of acting lady, charging her with the duty of marrying somebody and having heirs. While Serella appears frustrated that Quira would do this when it would cut off her bloodline, Quira claims that their line may well deserve to die out.   Since rising to Royal Advisor, Quira has acted as an inspector of the realm, travelling throughout Arkhera and visiting nobility. Her surprisingly warm demeanour and openness to people of all classes, races and cultures makes her a fast acquaintance with almost every noble in the kingdom, though many view her as shallow and insincerely charming.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quira, by human standards, is voluptuous, with an emphasised bust and wide hips. Her chubby face is also appealing by human standards. However, by both spellbinder and necromancer standards, she's considered obese, as she is fond of cakes and cream-based desserts and rarely uses her powers. She also lacks a tail (due to docking it), further cementing her looks as reminiscent of a statuesque human rather than a spellbinder.   She has blonde hair and lilac eyes, along with a nose big enough to once again, be considered vaguely human. She's also somewhat short for both necromancers and spellbinders. This may have something to do with the rumours that the Abraxas and Senheil families hail from a Soren lineage adulterated by seerish blood.   Quira likes to wear blue Galdusian-style kimonos, embroidered with branch-line patterns which resemble her sigil. In addition, she wears the kimono off-shoulder, so as to emphasise her cleavage.


Contacts & Relations

Dolora Abraxas (adoptive sister)
Sir Yal'dan Boathis (former lover, resurrectee)
Lord El'arwyn Werenthos (former foster brother)
King Landon Shearwater (employer)
Prince Komekk Axol (coworker)
Royal Electorate Tei Fel'thuz (friend, coworker)
Royal Wisdom Robb Stagg (coworker, regular victim of teasing)
The Riversong Sisters (bards and bodyguards)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Quira believes in the primordial four gods, Chaos, Order, Life, and Death, and doesn't subscribe to any particular organised religion, though she's known to humour Pantheistic festivals in Deathsport, if only for the free food.
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Advisor to the King of the Royal Electorate
Lady of the Shrine of the Dead
Matriarch of the House of Abraxas
Year of Birth
524 AGA 27 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Shrine of the Dead
Current Residence
Light blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Old Galdusian


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