Rakh'dor ge Nu'ei

Rakh'dor ge Nu'ei

An ancient daemon with the excitability of a young woman, Rakh'dor ge Nu'ei serves as the mortal relations representative of the daemonic population of the Arkheran Isles, save Rakh'dor ge Maman, a rogue daemon with his own cult more ancient than even her. She wasn't always imbued with this purpose, however, as the daemonic zeitgeist shifted over time, so did she.   Her first form sprouted from the City of False Face's Daemonic Fountain, small and barely humanoid, more closely resembling an upright squid than the beauty she is currently. She would hunt nomads within the Sea of Daemons and grow herself into a terrifying nine foot monster that stalked the deserts, switching from camouflage-based ambush predation to blatant chasing. While invocation of fear and disorder was always welcome in her eyes, something intrinsically felt dissatisfying about this approach to chaos to her.   She would grow bored of this hunting lifestyle and approached the chaos-speakers of the City of False Faces, the only mortals she was forbidden to consume, to consult them about her dissatisfaction. After much communication, it was determined that a substantial chunk of her daemonic soul was composed of the recycled pieces of the legendary Rakh'dor ge Luzma, the brief successor to the Plague Emperor, and the only other daemonic ruler of mortals to the concurrent Rakh'dor ge Maman. It was explained to her that Luzma was once a lover to the very much mortal Plague Emperor, and this concept piqued Nu'ei's interest.   As such, she contributed much of her flesh to the Daemonic Fountain and settled for a much smaller, almost six-foot form, and took to observing humanoids with curiosity rather than hunger. Slowly, she began to see an amusing beauty in their culture; a desire for order and arrangement conflicting against an innately selfish and chaotic nature, forever dancing in endless debate. She would take pieces of humanoids she noticed were considered most appealing and incorporate them into her look, eventually settling for a fusion of elven and human characteristics.   When she was about five hundred, she would express her ideas openly in the ever shifting plaza of the City of False Faces, and slowly, interest in humanoids as curiosities rather than prey would gain a notable following, and whenever negotiations with mortals were required, Nu'ei was always the first to volunteer to accompany the City of False Faces' chaos-speakers, occasionally clarifying matters from a daemonic perspective when her chaos-speakers would over-simplify or misrepresent such things. Before she would turn one thousand, this would become her official role, as the daemonic head of mortal relations, a daemon who'd crafted herself into a master of interracial diplomacy relative to the rest of her chaotic kin.   As of recent, she's repeated a behaviour of her pseudo-predecessor, Luzma; she's fallen in love with, and subsequently become the lover of, Overlord Kel'nas Sinhelios. She's been eagerly attempting to replicate humanoid reproductive systems so that one day, she can produce and carry an elf-daemon hybrid.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rakh'dor ge Nu'ei is a beautiful creature whose form was chosen to resemble the two most commonly-fetishised races in Arkhera; the human and the elf. She therefore has slightly pointed ears, a brown skin tone intended to meet dark elven skin and high elven skin in the middle, and striking, glassy red eyes.   Her figure is similarly an exaggerated presentation of these two races' beauty ideals; slender and youthful, with a prominent bust and set of hips. Her currently preferred outfit is that of a veiled courtesan in the style of Nadibhan harems, emphasising the colours red and black. Like most humanoid daemons, her hair is in fact styled tentacles, coloured black in her case, with minimal presence of sucker-pads.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Contacts & Relations

Kel'nas Sinhelios (lover and close mortal friend)
Rakh'dor ge Maman (fellow daemon affiliate with mortals, philosophical rival)
Godspeaker Deus (of Chaos) (mortal affliliate)
Grand Witch Yal'queran (current debter, bitter enemy)

Family Ties

Religious Views

As a daemon, Nu'ei's views of gods are unlike mortals. She believes that serving entropy should be the highest goal of any being, and yet despite this doesn't inspire or desire additional artificial invocation of societal chaos like many other daemons. Instead, she seeks to allow mortals to have their fun playing society, knowing that inevitably, it will fall apart, and if it doesn't, well, perhaps the Rakh'vash was wrong about mortals' mental nature reflecting the same entropy as their physical forms. As such, she treats mortals much like a zookeeper treats their animals; with a strong respect for their autonomy and will, but always willing to intervene if they request help.


Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mortal Relations Representative for the Daemons of Arkhera
Year of Birth
2038 BGA 2589 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Ejected from the Daemonic Fountain
The CIty of False Faces
Current Residence
The City of False Faces
Pale Red
Black, slick due to actually being tentacles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark olive with appearance of tan lines
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Isleborn Ilazari
Plagueborn Ilazari
Old Galdusian


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