
Dainty, beautiful, and in theory harmonious with plantlife, seers are the prescient natives of the Arkheran isle known by most as Sanguinas Isle, though ask a seer, and half of them are likely to instead refer to it by its native name: The Isle of Ver'ghan, the cradle of their people. They're fond of plants, especially the Sanguinasi trees known as 'Haunted Wood', a pale-barked tree akin to silver birches with the thickness of an oak.   Seers are plagued or blessed with visions of the future from as young as five years old, and this is largely how their magic manifests. Some seers' sights refine into a quick, moment-by-moment predictive state useful for fighting, while others become oracular and prophetic, while others still will instead have visions of the present, by from places far from their location.   A fourth kind of seerish magic is the art of being a medium. This exploits a natural ability of all seers; their magic is not only enhanced by the arcana within nearby plants but they can also use plants as a vessel to house their souls upon death. This enables them to haunt a local forested area long after they're gone, whispering thoughts and feelings to travelers, but the only way for a truly coherent conversation with such ghosts is through a seerish medium. These seers allow themselves to be possessed by their dead kin and lend their tongue. Particularly weak-willed or inexperienced mediums can be forced to remain possessed for much longer than they intended, making channelling in areas such as Sanguinas Isle, where the angry ghosts of thousands of genocide victims haunt the forests, extremely dangerous.   In addition, seers can learn spellwork, and are generally respected by spellbinders and necromancers for their magical potential.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Seers are pretty regardless of sex, and only rarely do older seerish men have the ability to grow facial hair. For the most part, the only way to tell a male seer from a female is to look lower than the neck. Their ears are slightly pointed, but not as long as elven ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Seers are largely restricted to mainland Arkhera, following their genocide from Sanguinas Isle. A small community of seers have recently found a foothold in Wrenfall, Yukishima, being seen as useful as advisors, investors, and priests in Soltelle culture.

Average Intelligence

Seers often consider themselves smarter than the average humanoid, but in truth, their prescience doesn't always grant them wisdom. While certainly sapient, those who view their sight as an easy path to success are likely to come off as more incompetent than most, due to them assuming their visions will play out exactly the way they interpreted them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Seerish naming traditions are quite simple: To honour their heritage as people of the Isle of Ver'ghan, seers generally, with few exceptions, incorporate the syllable 'ver' into their name.   Male name examples: Veramon, Khalver, Veridal, Eriver, Verik, Veralion.
Female name examples: Veranda, Veridia, Veran, Alvera, Verilla, Noveri.

Major Organizations

House of Verawor (Arkhera)
Green Division of the Order of the Shade (Arkhera)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Seers have had a strained relationship with several other species, including elven settlers who genocided them from their home island of Ver'ghan, orcs who have historically served as their competition on the mainland long before the first settling gnomes arrived, and even with their cousins, the beastmasters, as they often served a rivals when occupying places orcs hadn't dominated yet. Later on, gnomes became the rivals of the seers, as their expansive undercities would often compromise the integrity of grounds that could be used to grow plants.   Ironically, their historical relationship with the Galdusian Imperialists that first colonised Arkhera has been consistently positive, as they freed their people of the oppressive stranglehold orcs had over the mainland in exchange for deference and servitude. As the empires shifted and vanished from Arkhera, the necromantic establishment that remained continued their strong relationship with the seerish people, to the point where by the time the necromantic people became an oppressed minority, seers were the only other race to fully back them in their struggle for rights.   Nowadays seers are mostly integrated with other Arkheran races, but plenty hold onto the scars of the past, especially against Elarondian elven families such as the Sanguinases and Yagaskas.
Scientific Name
Homo praesagiens
Kakajuan Humanoid
60-90 years
Average Height
4'5'' to 5'6''
Average Physique
Seers are diminutive, feminine-looking humanoids with pretty faces in both males and females, the primary form of sexual dimorphism being their figures. They're generally on the dainty side, and when seers build muscle, they become toned, not bulky.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Seers tend to have brown or blonde hair, and many augment this appearance with green dye. Their skin can range from white to brown in tone, while their eyes are the most striking aspect of all; they are shifting, being red or green depending on the angle they're beheld at and what lighting they're currently in.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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