Sons of Sula


The Sons of Sula have a simple structure, fitting their role as a paramilitary political group. Their leader and main coordinator is the anonymous figure who goes by the name 'Axas', who in turn has appointed six city coordinators, one for each Galdusian megalopolis's operations. all ascended. These are as follows:   Mythria: Coordinator within Nova Tertia, the capital of Sula. Largely a figure involved in recruitment efforts rather than military operations, she's responsible for organising rallies and marches to general fanfare and approval from the Sulari authorities.   Siendros: Coordinator within Demidium, the westmost Sulari megalopolis. Recruitment is largely his job too, however he also negotiates with eastern Jaranese juns to acquire ships and even humans for the local breeding facilities, currying favour with Count Anvus Aurelion, the city's ruler.   Malderis: Coordinator within Moneri, the first Galdusian city. While recruitment is his chief role too, as with the other Sulari coordinators, Moneri has recently had a surge of Plague Emperor sympathisers from a small cultural renaissance of a sort, meaning suppression of certain philosophies also falls within his duties.   Saltori: Coordinator within Hextolis, Nortez's capital. Currently the coordinator with the most on his plate. This is due to Erre's Insurrection, an insurgent group hoping to assist Nortez's transition into the Soltelle Empire, appearing in force, backed by a mad Arkheran with a soulstealer.   Prestalis: Coordinator within Pentatum, Nortez's landlocked megalopolis. A coordinator who largely conducts operations to intimidate and coerce breeders in the outer city to assist in the Sons' efforts, but also a close affiliate of the late Consigliere Vieri.   Alturio: Coordinator within Quattrus, the western port megalopolis of Nortez. A long-dead coordinator who was rumbled and eradicated during the initial Yukishiman invasion of Nortez. Neither he nor his Sons of Sula cells within Quattrus have been replaced.   Beneath these coordinators are cell leaders for each cell within the Galdusian megalopolises, and within those are operatives that perform most of the grunt work, be that demonstrations, intimidation, or paramilitary operations against Yukishiman delegates or Erre's Insurrections. Ascended operatives are treated as inherently higher-ranking than fleshly operatives, and ascension is a regular reward for especially competent fleshly operatives.


The Sons of Sula are an extremist spellbinder supremacist group with the express goal of restoring Galdus to its former glory; Nortez and Sula united, arcane power and connection to the Rakh'norv as the standard for one's place in society, and of course, worship of ascendants above all else. The thought of humans roaming the world as anything other than slaves or accessories to slavery is offensive to the Sons, and ultimately, they sell their toxic ideology by pointing to the prosperity of the Golden Galdusian Empire, before the Plague Emperor went and ruined it all.   If they were to have their way, not only would their existential threat, the Yukishiman occupation of Nortez and military engagements in Sula, be removed, but Galdus would also be in a position to start expanding as the Golden Galdusian Empire did once before. A world composed of naught but arcana-powered megalopoli, populated by naught but magically-empowered ghosts would be a utopia by the Sons' standards.

Public Agenda

The Sons of Sula want three things: A united Galdus, with the distinction between Nortezian and Sulari erased, the immediate ejection of all Yukishiman meddlers from Galdus (Jaranese humans, meanwhile, are a hotly debated point), and a resumption of the Golden Galdusian Empire as it once was, with Nova Tertia as its new capital.


The Sons of Sula are backed by, and were possibly covertly founded by, the government of Nova Tertia, being backed directly by the most powerful ascendant to ever live, Darvith. This, along with legions of excited, misguided Sulari breeders and ascendants alike fielded from some of the largest, most densely-populated urban centres in the world, means they have countless disposable men to throw at their problems. As they are also primarily spellbinders, their troops are also capable of highly destructive acts, albeit they're also more likely to die by the scores due to their enemies being capable of similar destruction themselves.   They also have access to the Sulari gate systems as well as some of Nortez's communication relays. They are in league with corrupt politicians in eastern Jaranar too, giving them a steady stream of Jaranese humans that puts them in good stead with the augmentee-producing city of Demidium.


550 AGA (After Garlan's Ascension): Within Nova Tertia, a group of high thinkers within the citadel learn of Nortez's surrender to the Soltelle Empire. Considering this a threat to their very being, they work to form a group within the lower classes of Nova Tertia, selectively informing passionate Sulari patriots about how Galdus as they know it will soon be erased. This in turn inspires a young man to take the alias of Axas and start the Sons of Sula. Throughout the year he networks with powerful people and gains effective backing by Darvith of Nova Tertia. His campaigns in Nortez are mixed in success, failing utterly to take back Quattrus while gaining considerable social traction in Pentatum and Hextolis.   551 AGA: The assassination of Consigliere Vieri of Pentatum leads Axas to investigate a possible third party in the battle between the Soltelle Empire and the Sons of Sula. His investigations reveal a new cultural figure named 'Praetor Erre' to be the apparent assassin, which he first considers to be an urban legend before a direct attack on one of his Hextolis cells reveals the reality of the figure named Erre. Since then, Erre's Insurrection has become his primary enemy, a thorn in the side while the Soltelle Empire remain mostly hands-off and restricted to Quattrus.

Galdus Shall Be Great Again

Founding Date
550 AGA
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
The Sons
Sulari Dogs
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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