Star Dragon

The original dragons and the source of all mortal-accessible magic, star dragons are the sapient fragments of Helicos, the First Light of the Cosmos. They are clumps of arcane matter entangled into the form of great, serpentine bodies, compelled by instinct to gather matter which will act as ingredients to their ultimate art form; star-forging.   One single star dragon can act as the creator and custodian of entire star clusters, and in groups they can form entire galaxies with ease. They rove through space at superluminal speeds, working tirelessly to ensure matter stays in a beautiful, active form that counteracts the perpetual encroachment of Dolora, the primordial darkness. As though at random, star dragons can spontaneously explode, their extremely dense bodies unraveling and scattering their entangled arcana throughout the surrounding star systems. This is how magic becomes accessible to mortal, terrestrial races, and how the lizards that would become Sekaian dragons came to be. These dragons in turn went on to influence primates that would become the modern humanoids of Sekai.   While mortals may be completely beneath star dragons' notice, and conversely they have nothing much personally to thank star dragons for, without them, the universe would be a much darker, used-up place, and they would be incapable of arcane magic in its entirety. In turn, they wouldn't even be as sapient and diverse as they currently are, owing to the Sekaian dragons. All in all, while star dragons may not be invested in mortals, they have undoubtedly influenced them.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Star dragons aren't compelled to form faces unless they have a specific reason to, such as the rare event that they decide to investigate humanoids. In these cases they may reform themselves, but mostly, they are featureless serpents that slither through the void.

Average Intelligence

Star dragons are highly intelligent regarding star-crafting, but aren't capable of empathy for other species, only their fellow star dragons. They perceive things on a far greater cosmic scale than mortals or even other immortals, and so most lesser beings are mere curiosities and insects.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Star dragons do not have mouths in the way mortals know it and don't speak as much as telepathically commune. They have referential thoughts for individuals, usually precise and descriptive, such as 'Dust-of-Sundered-Quasar', 'Crafted-from-Event-Horizon', or 'Devoted-Structurer-of-Planetoids'.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

There are no species quite like star dragons, and they only tend to interact with each other, due to their ability to telepathically communicate with each other and express their artistic flair. Mortals and terrestials, meanwhile, simply would 'get it'; after all, with such short lifespans, how could they possibly think on a star dragon's level?
Scientific Name
Deus stellaris
Average Physique
Star dragons are composed of entangled arcana held together in extremely dense clumps. Their bodies tend to be about the size of a star but the weight of several, and their forms are serpentine. They move via magical, so their bodies rarely move when they're travelling through space.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Star dragons tend to bear a certain arcane colour as a hallmark, and depending on the individual, their magical matter will tend towards the same colour. For example, the dragon whose arcana became the source of Sekaian magic was a red star dragon, and thus most magical matter on Sekai is characterised as red. Star dragons are not necessarily limited to the visible spectrum either.


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