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Physical Description

Neko are shorter than many humanoids, usually standing around the 5 foot tall mark and weighing around 100 lbs or slightly more. Visually they look very similar to humans, but they have large furry cat ears and long furry tails. On average, they are more slender and quick than humans. They have a vast array of hair and eye colors of almost any combination. They are a bit smaller than tabaxi, not as strong, and look a lot more humanlike. Their heads are actually more rounded than a normal human though, making them appear more youthful and often desirable or endearing.  


Neko prefer to live a wild and polyamorous lifestyle, although those who grow up in a more domestic environment tend to adapt to the society around them. Domestic neko are typically residents in other non-neko societies, where they perform jobs, sometimes “owned” by a master or guild, where they will work for the rest of their lives performing jobs as varied as maids or mercenaries. Sometimes a domesticated neko may buy their freedom. However, such neko are often mistrusted or looked down on, as many believe they are troublesome when not kept in line by a master. This distrust and mistreatment often leads such neko to have trouble finding proper work and makes them more inclined to turn towards shadier professions.   Feral Neko, on the other hand, live in societies more in line with their ancestors. They have settlements built in desert, forests, or otherwise distant from more civilized society. Feral neko are hunters in groups or scouts and move as a swift unit. When confronted with foreigners, they can be very brusque and dismissive.  

Naming Conventions

Domestic neko are named after birth. Their name might change after they get a master, in which case it might be given by the master or chosen by themselves. They often have several nicknames as well.
Male: Chaos, Scamp, Shadow, Trigger
Female: Aurata, Bella, Luna, Mask   Feral neko are named at birth based on first impressions.
Male: Cysess, Fikau, Nexiss, Ryzor
Female: Cenytaus, Feeras, Nasraa, Shyssa


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