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Nuan Diushi

Nuan used to maintain a cover as the high priest of the Temple of the Forge, before the Order of the Seeking Fox exposed her as a member of the Black Hand and forced her to flee.  


Nuan grew up within the Jade Empire, but was always a creative young girl who wanted to craft her own things more than she wanted to follow standard rules and practices. This eventually led her to make the long dangerous journey to Shudan, where she discovered the teachings of Rhealm. Eager to spread this message, she moved to Iron Home in S316 and founded the Temple of the Forge. While serving as the high priest, she also acted as a surrogate mother for the young accolytes Yusa Morine and Lei Zhan.   Only much later was it discovered that most of her history had been a lie. Nuan was actually a spy from the Jade Empire, working with the Black Hand. In S316 The Black Hand supported Motarasu and his attack on Okane Manor. After the attack failed to capture Aiyalae Nightbloom and her piece of the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key, Nuan was instructed to maintain her cover in town and learn anything else she could. It wasn't long before the Order of the Seeking Fox arrived in town and began to unravel the truth. Although she almost recovered the gauntlet piece from them at Koba's Point, she was ultimately defeated and forced to flee. She hasn't been seen in Iron Home since.  


Nuan has blue-gray colored hair, usually braided into a ponytail draped over her right shoulder. She has piercing light blue eyes, pale skin, and the soft rounded face that is common among the Li Qu. Directly above and below her left eye there are a pair of dark horizontal lines tatooed. She wears comfortably fitted leather armor, outfitted with various small hammers, chisels, and knives.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
548 26 Years old


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