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Physical Description

Sarugami are primate yokai, embodying either the monkey or the ape. Monkey Sarugami are roughly human sized, but covered from head to toe with fur most often shades of browns, reds, or grays, with lighter colored patches of yellows and whites on their bellies, chests, and faces. Their face protrudes a bit at the muzzle, not as much as a monkey but more than a human would. They have prehensile feet and a long thin prehensile tail.   Ape Sarugami are similar in appearance, but often a bit taller with a heavier frame. They also lack the tail of their monkey cousins.  


Sarugami live in well organized settlements, most frequently in forested areas. They live in permanent settlements and construct elaborate buildings scattered among treetops. Each such settlement will have its own leaders who report formally to a chief that oversees all such settlements in a region. This chief is determined by wisdom and experience, not heredity, and as such can be replaced at any time the consensus turns on them.  

Relations With Others

Sarugami are extremely intelligent, rivaling humans even, and commonly consider themselves to be better or more important than other races. They look down on anyone they consider inferior and as such don’t spend much time living among or interacting with others outside of their own tribes. When they do, they selfishly act in accordance with their own wishes, with little concerns for the traditions or opinions of lesser beings.  

Naming Conventions

Sarugami are not named at birth, but rather choose a name for themselves when they come of age. As such, many names describe prominent traits, famous deeds, or aspirational goals.
Male or Female: Clean Coat, Fruit Finder, Quick Wit, Sharp Tongue, Tool Crafter, Tree Climber


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