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Physical Description

Suppon are large turtle shaped yokai. On land they stand upright, usually between 4 and 5 feet tall and can weigh upwards of 200 pounds or more. Their skin is leathery and tough, usually various shades of greens and yellow’ish greens. They have large webbed hands and feet. They have no hair on their turtle shaped heads. On their backs they have a thick heavy carapace in various shades of greens, browns, and yellows. On their chest and bellies a light plastron, usually a lighter shade of their skin tone, or a brighter yellow.  


Suppon live in small isolated groups, usually sticking to a particular lake, stream, or body of water for most of their lives.  

Relations With Others

They don’t interact with other races much, not even neighboring yokai. Most Suppon are content with this isolation, but others find it stifling and leave their homes to see more of the world. When they are through with their journeying, they tend to return home rather than attempting to establish new settlements elsewhere.  

Naming Conventions

The traditional language of the Suppon is Aquan, which is meant to be spoken easily above or below water.
Male: Hrrsha, Krrnfa, Mzthripa, Shzirna
Female: Brlle, Lthze, Rshne, Urrle


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