

Ability Score Increase +1 Dex
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Story: There have been many tales of humans once every Golden moon(aka rarely) a child that is born will be given the spirit and characteristics of one of the four great spirit animals. The cunning fox, the brave canine, the arcane cat, or the fleet-footed rabbit Birth: When a human child is revealed to be an Anamilia it's up to the parents to either give the child to a local Anamilia clan or they could raise the child, knowing that they will be socially unaccepted. Most grew up in clans, where they learned fully about their abilities and feel more accepted in a clan than anywhere else. Otherwise, if the parents keep the child, the child has to learn everything on their own and have to deal with social rejection, those that grew up in human settlements grow very independent and cold hearted   Clan communities: Clan's work like most human settlements, however they are not as technologically advanced. Clan's are mostly in forests, and stay that way, not moving unless a disaster happens, like a drought. There are however merchant clans that are always on the move. They are typically made of Fox Anamilia, being that they are the most silver tongued out of the other subspecies. They have a social working class, not off of wealth but subspecies. If you are a Canine then you typically have a labor role like a guard, soldier, etc, and others will have different roles to suit their strengths and weaknesses  

General stats:

  Age: Anamilia mature at the same rate as humans but once they reach 18 they mature at the rate of elves, giving them the young and elegant look   Animal awareness: Thanks to your animalistic gift you are more aware of your surroundings than most. You gain proficiency in Perception   Zoogen: This is Anamilia's native tongue, it is a mixture of words in common, Sylvan, and a combination of whistles. It is very hard to learn, especially if you can't whistle  

Canine Anamilia

  These Anamilia have the physical traits of a loyal dog, they act like one! When they find companions they'll stay with them forever! They also get heart broken very easily though. Their ears are large, pointy, and very fluffy. Their tails are on the thicker side and medium tails. Their fur can be either Dark red, Brown, White, Black, or Silver\   Puppy Power!: Canine's get +1 to strength   Sniffer of truth: You can smell lies from a mile away! You gain proficiency in Insight   Search and Rescue: You can track an item or a person with your dog like instincts. If you have something that has the smell of the thing/person you are trying to look for. You can see a trail of how to get there that only you can see. This feature only lasts 15 minutes and you can only use this once every long rest  

Cat Anamilia

  These cats are innately talented in arcane, the only problem is that they use it to pull "harmless" tricks and pranks. These tricksters hate to admit it but, they LOVE adorable and shiny things and will forget everything else when they come into contact.   Their ears are small and pointy, with their tails long, slim, and smooth. Their fur ranges from white, black, dark blue, and gray   Feline Intellect: You are smarter than what you look. Cat's learn and understand complexity easier than others. You gain +1 to intelligence   Arcane Trickery: You gain proficiency in Arcana   Darkvision: Thanks to your cat like nature you can see dim-light if it was fully light, and darkness if it was dim light. Your range is 60 feet  

Fox Anamilia

  These crafty Anamilia use their knack of wooing people over to their advantage. They make excellent merchants or negotiators.   Their ears and tails are much like the canines but theirs are softer and smoother. Their fur can be Orange, Red, Yellow, or dark brown   Silver-tongued: You gain proficiency in Persuasion or Deception, your choice   Smooth talkers: You gain +1 to charisma   Crafty: If you are being tailed/followed/chased you have a way to lose them with your cunning. You can use a bonus action to hide, dash, or disengage when someone is either charging you, chasing you, or tailing you. You can only use this feature times your Dex modifier; minimum of 1, maximum of 5; per short rest.    

Rabbit Anamilia

  The bunnies are very agile and coordinated! Making them great acrobats and entertainers. They are very sensitive to loud noises and don't let people mess with their ears unless they are very close.   Their ears are very long, some of them pointing high up, while others are droopy. The have lil cotton ball tails and their fur ranges from Blue, Black, White, and Pink   Natural Acrobats: You gain proficiency in Acrobatics   Bun Bun coordination: Your natural finesse gives you +1 Dexterity   Hippity Hoppity: You can leap great distances with ease! When it comes to jumping, instead of adding your strength modifier, you add your dexterity modifier    

Languages. You speak, read, and understand Common, Sylvan, and Zoogen fluently


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