Artic Gremlin

Ability Score Increase: +2 Cha
Size: Your size is Tiny
Speed: You have a walking speed of 20ft
Frosty aura: Resistance to cold damage and immunity to cold effects.
Unmistakable cuteness: charisma modifier/rest when a creature makes a attack on you the creature has to make a charisma save against your charisma score+proficiency or the attack is a auto fail This only affects creatures who can see
Adorable size: can't wear medium or heavy armor

Ability score increase: +1 to intelligence
Icywind: for a action in a 20 foot cone from you creatures take 3d4 cold damage Creature can take a dexterity save of 16 for half When the player reaches level 10 switch the d4 for a d6 And at level 18 switch d6 for d8

  Perfect breed
Ability score increase: +1 to charisma
Ever expanding cuteness: Your charisma score limit is now 22. Languages. common and a language of your choice


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