
A race with the the head of a jackle and body of a furred humanoid they Roam the desert, mountains, and Arctic in nomadic tribes honing their combat and tapping into a life force known as aura
Similar to ki they can augment their fighting potential and see things others can not

Ability scores: +1 to dexterity or strength
Size: medium
Speed: 35 speed
Age: state of maturity between 10-175 years
Alignment: lean towards lawful alignments
Language: Common elvish and anuvish elvish script Aura: You have an amount of aura points equal to half your player level rounded up minimum of 1 you recover all points on a long rest
Aura pulse: As a bonus action you can spend 1 aura point to reveal all creatures to yourself within 30ft

Sub races:
Inferno aura: +1 Strength
Flaming spirit: As a bonus action you can spend 1 aura point to add 1d8 fire damage to a melee attack

Fridged aura: +1 Wisdom
Cold aura: As a bonus action you can spend 1 Aura point to activate a 30ft aura centered on you and till the start of your next turn creatures of your choice speed is reduced by 15ft Shocking aura: +1 dexterity Pulse strike: as a bonus action you can spend 1 aura point to deal an extra 1d4 lightning damage on a damage roll and deal 1d4 lightning damage to a creature within 5ft of the creature you hit


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