Bomb Fruit Tree {Seeds & Tree}

Bomb Fruit Tree Seed Cost: 60,000 GP   This seed magically crafted in the lab of seisei when planted will grow into grey tree with red leaves within a day. Each day trees will grow 1d4+1 round black fruits with brown stem. The fruit are mechanically bombs but will spoil after 3 days of being picked if not persevered. The fruit are highly unstable If carrying the fruit and get take fire or lighting damage must make a DC 15 dex save or all fruit on you go off.If the tree takes fire or lighting damage the tree detonates in a massive explosion. Every creature in 40ft raduis must make a DC 15 dex save, taking15d6 fire damage of fail half of success, this destroys the tree and all remaining fruit.   The fruit nor the tree contain any seeds.

made by @Mercury#5808


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