
  +2 Cha +2 dex -1 wis
  Age:They mature at the same rate as elf’s
  They can look like anything but clearly are more chaotic looking, and it’s clear they aren’t of the race they look similar to (Can’t shapeshift with this). Your size is always medium and speed is always 30ft.
  Alignment: almost always chaotic seeing as they originate from the plane of chaos.
  1/long rest you can cause a phb wild magic effect
  Broken mind. When detect thoughts or other mind reading abilities are used on the chaosborn the user must roll a mental check (wis int or cha) using their highest score contested by a charisma check with proficiency from the chaos born
  At lv 7, you can cast wild burst punch times equal to 1/4 your level (rounded down). CHA is your casting ability for this.


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