
Ability Score Increase. Three different Ability scores of your choice increases by 1.   Age. They mature at the same rate as humans but once they reach 18, but without knowing their original race before mutation, the arrive lifespan is between 85 and 125 years.   Size. Your size is medium   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.   Languages. You speak, read, and understand Common and one extra language of your choice.   Three Traits. You get to choose three traits of your choice (You can’t pick the same one twice) (The DC will be 10+half your character level rounded down):


The Living Ram.
As an action, if you move at least 10ft straight toward a target, you can hit them with your horns. You can treat it as a proficient weapon, on hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage of 1d6 + strength mod, the creature must then make a strength save against the damage it took or be knocked prone.
Serpent Sidekick. You now have a serpent friend, great for getting those pesky creatures that won’t leave you alone. As an bonus action, you can have your serpent friend strike at your enemies. You can treat it as a proficient weapon, on hit, the target takes 2d6 + Dex piercing damage, plus 1d4 poison damage.
Dragon’s Wrath. You have gained the lungs of a dragon, with great power comes great ways to wreck havoc. As an action you can 3d8 damage of your choice (Poison, Acid, Fire, Cold, Lightning). Each creature within a 15ft. cone must make a Dex save, on a success you take half as much. You can regain this feature after a short rest.
Wondrous Wings. You finally sprout wings; demonic, insect, draconic, a combination of both, etc., whatever they look like they’ll make traveling much more fun. You gain a flying speed equal to your base walking speed. As an action you can flap your wings to knock down a creature of medium size or small within 10ft, they must succeed a Dex save or be knocked prone.
Aquatic Abilities. You can now live life, undersea. With an opportunity like that, you can gain fins and gills. You can breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to your base walking speed.
Lion’s Pride. You gain proficiency in intimidation. As an action, you can show off your pride as you roar at your enemies to cause destruction and fear. Each creature within a cone of 15ft. must make a con save, on fail they take 4d6 thunder damage and they’re frightened, on success they take half of that and can’t be frightened.
Fast Feline. Fast like a cat and graceful too, your body structure has changed to allow you to pull off amazing feats than any other creature could perform. You gain an increase speed of 10ft. and you gain proficiency in acrobatics. It also doesn’t take damage from falling 20 feet or less if it isn’t incapacitated.
Toad Toes. Your long jump is up to 25 feet and your high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.
Badger Claws. You gain a burrow speed equal to your walking speed
Eagle eyes. You gain 60ft darkvision and profiency in the perception skill
Tiger Tusks. You grow to protruding tusks you can use as a weapon. You can make a natural weapon attack on a hit you deal 1d4+Strength piercing. The creature most then make a strength save or be knocked prone.
Crab Claw. One of your hands becomes a crab claw. You can make a natural weapon attack with this claw , dealing 1d8+str damage on a hit. After you do you can grapple the target of the attack as a bonus action.


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