Cloak of Chromatic wings.

While attuned to this item, your wings Glisten an ominous rainbow hue similar to the deep space Nebulas in their grandness, you have advantage on all Charisma checks and shed 5ft of bright light and 10ft of dim light beyond that.

This item has a number of maximum charges equal to 5.
As a bonus action you may change Hue and gain a charge.

When you change Hue you may choose a one of 5 modes; Crimson, Fathom, Luxuriant, Sygian, and Aether.

While in a specific hue you are unable to use any features from other hues.

Your wings take on all shades of reds, golds, yellows, topazic, and chromium. Your breath wreapon DC is increased by +2 and deals additional damage equal to your charisma modifier.
When you use your breath weapon, You may spend a charge to add +2d6 to your breath weapon damage.

Your wings take on all shades of blue, silver, tungsten, purple, and Amythist. Your spell dc and spell attack increases by +2.
When you cast a spell you may choose one of the following cantrips to apply to yourself, free of action, till the start of your next turn; blade ward, true strike, or resistance.
When you cast a spell, You may spend a charge to add your Charisma modifier to that spells damage roll.

Your wings take on all shades of green, bronz, brown, nickle, and emerald.
Your frightening presence has a +2 to its DC and ignores the following text; "A creature that succeeds on the saving throw
becomes immune to your Frightening Presence for the next 24 hours."
At the start of your turn You may spend a charge to roll a d6 on a 5 or 6, you regain use of your frightening presence.

Your wings take on all shades of Black, Copper, Sapphire, Orange, and Cobalt. Your AC increases by half your charisma modifier rounded up with a minimum of 1.
When you are hit by an attack, you may spend a charge, you gain temporary hp equal to 2 times your level.

Your wings take on all shades of White, Brass, Crystal, Grey, and iron.
Your melee natural weapons attacks are made with +2 to attack rolls and +2 to damage rolls.
When you hit with a natural weapon attack, you may spend a charge to deal an additional +4d4 of your elemetal damage.
Legendary Wonderous Item (Requires attunement by the dragon class)


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