Crown of the Ouroboros

This gleaming band of purple and grey steel is shaped like a pair of wyrms devouring each other’s tails, which both seem to rest on a lower jade circlet, and who’s eyes swirl with dust. One is a purplish color, inlaid with the very tip of a fang from the Devourer of Gods that arcs over the left side of their head, while the other is of a more subdued, bronzish color, a Narzen fang’s tip jutting out to peer over the right side of their head. The crown seems to move if it is viewed in peripheral While attuned to this crown, you gain the following benefits:

While you wear this crown, you gain a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls, and to your spell save DC

While worn, you can read, speak, and understand all languages.

Eternal Hunger
You stop aging. You are immune to any effect that would age you, and you can’t die from old age. You must eat and drink three times the necessary food and drink required each day, and for each day that you fail to do so, you gain an additional level of exhaustion.

Thirst for Thought
Your proficiency bonus for History checks is doubled, and you gain advantage on intelligence ability checks.

Frightless Presence
You are immune to the frightened condition.

Random Properties
The Crown of the Ouroboros has the following random properties:
1 Minor Beneficial
1 Major Beneficial
1 Minor Detrimental
1 Major Detrimental

While wearing the crown, when you see a mortal creature, to you they appear to rapidly age up over the course of a minute a decade, withering away into naught but their bones, giving you disadvantage on ability checks to see through disguises or illusions affecting a creature. This withering is reset whenever you look away from them for a minute or more, repeating when next you look at them. Additionally, to beasts with intelligence 2 or lower, you seem unnatural, and they thus start hostile to you.

Destroying the Crown
The only way the crown can be destroyed is for a deity of time to strike it with a nonmagical hammer each week for a decade.
Wondrous item, Artifact (Requires Attunement by a spellcaster)
Base Price
Vaule: 7,000 PP
Raw materials & Components
Materials: Dust of the Whitestaff Fang of the DoG Fang of Narzen Jade Circlet (Nonmagical, worth 1,500 GP)


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