
The Crystalline
  ·When a Crystal in a wild magic zone grows underground the crystal will gain life. The crystals are humanoid in shape but look like rock golems made of a single crystal type. Being born of magic they don't reproduce nor have the urge to. When a part of its body is damaged it can slowly regrow the damage as if it was never there
  ·Ability modifier: +1 con
  ·Age: reach maturity at age 300million year but can live forever
  ·Alignment: are usually neutral not picking a side but some drift off into good or evil
  ·Size:can be small medium or large
  ·Speed: speed is determined by size Small:25 Medium:30 Large:20
  ·language: common, undercommon
  ·Abilities: ·Mineral select: No two crystalline are the exact same select the minerals that went into your creation
  ·Gem size: Select a size Small: Gain burrowing speed of 10ft Medium: Gain 30f darkvision Large: your unarmed attacks deal a extra 1d4 damage
  ·Subraces: You can select two minerals *you can choose the same mineral twice
  Sulfides: +1 constitution
  Carbonates: +1 wisdom
  Oxides:1/rest you can reduce the damage on you as a reaction by 1d8+constitution modifier
  Halides: 1/rest advantage on constitution saves
  Sulfates: when you are in dim light around you in a 30 foot radius the light is bright light *can't be chosen twice
  Phosphates: when taking a short rest recover double hp rolled *can't be chosen twice
  Native Elements: gain resistance to 1 elemental damage type of your choice


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