Cursed Spirit

Born of Opposing heritages, you find your genetics to be contradictory at best and Challenging at worst. An existence spent not quite Living, Dead, or Divine. You are a cursed spirit: But someone else’s curse might just be to your benefit. Pray that your genetics favor you.

Ability Score Improvement: Choose one ability score to improve by +2 and Another to improve by +1.

Half-Dead, Half-Alive: Your body lives as it dies, hanging in the balance. Choose one of the following:

You don't need to breathe
There’s still some life in you, and life is ever growing. Gain Proficiency in one skill of your choice

(Free)-Spirited Nature: Your physical body isn’t always bound to the same rules as others. Choose one of the following.

You gain a flight speed of 30 feet. You are unable to fly while wearing heavy armor, and your speed is reduced by ten feet while wearing medium armor.
As an action, You can become incorporeal and pass through solid matter. This effect lasts 1 minute. As a bonus action you can choose to end the effect. If you end the minute in solid matter, as long as it isn't a creature, take force damage equal to one hit die per 5ft as you are forced out. You may use this feature once per long rest.

Strange Bloodline: You inherit some strange gifts from your parents. Choose one of the following

You have some fey in your blood. You have advantage on saves against being charmed and magic can't put you to sleep
Soul Sight: You can see the souls of the dead, and hear them too. Maybe they can do you favors now and again….. Gain a ghostly companion. This companion can not interact with the world or perform combat. Your ghostly companion can scout ahead, listen in on conversations for you, and can naviagate terrain. It can not move through walls. It can not go further than 60 feet. Roll an intelligence check, DC 16, to make sense of its mumbles.

Darkvision: You have darkvision out to a distance of 60 feet. You see the world in shades of Grey.

Extra Language: You have aunts & uncles of a variety of species. You can read, write, and speak in common and one extra language of your choice.

Size and Creature Type: Your size is Medium, and your creature type is Undead

Speed: Your base walking Speed is 30 ft

Average Lifespan: Some Cursed-Spirits Live for 200 years, some live for 2000. Must be something in the genetics…… If taking the Fey option on Strange bloodline, Average is 2000. If taking the Spirit Sight option, the average is 200. Cursed spirits reach maturity after 18 years of age.


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