Damage Amplifier Core V1

Once you have attuned to this item, you need to have it surgically implanted into you. This implantation process requires a DC 18 Medicine check if you are replacing your heart or a DC 21 medicine check if you are adding it to your heart. If the check fails, you fail a death save, you can repeat the procedure, however if you fail all 3 saves, you die as normal.

This amplification core amplifies your body’s attacks, your unarmed strikes deal an additional 2d6 thunder damage per hit. It also fortifies your skin, increasing your defenses, you gain an additional +1 to AC so long as you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. Finally, if you still have your heart, the core amplifies its fortitude, giving you an additional +1 to all saves.

If you unattune from this item while it is still a part of you, you lose all benefits of this item and it just functions as an artificial heart for you.

Any effects that can be used to suppress or end magical effects merely stop the additional buffs of this item, it will still function as a heart for the bearer.
Very Rare Wondrous Item (Attunement)
Base Price
600 Platinum
Raw materials & Components
(Made with 1 Argon Crystal, 4lbs of Morphics and 2lbs of Ether Ore)


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