
These are divinity from another era, a race lost and forgotten about due to time. They lost most of their abilities when they originally became forgotten, no longer divine beings, reduced to mortal coils. Ability Score Increase: You can add 2 to any one stat and add 1 to another different stat. Age: They age at a significantly slower pace than most other races, only reaching adult hood after 3 centuries where they then proceed to live for many millennia. Culture: They are so rare and sparce that they live independently for the most part often times only a single family living withing hundreds of miles of each other. Alignment: They tend to be neutral and unbiased and tend to keep their hand and sway out of affairs involving others though there are some who are different. Size: Their size ranges anywhere from 4' all the way to 6'8" usually but are always medium. Appearance: They can look like just about any other race as long as they are the same size, no 2 Dazma looking alike. Speed:30ft.
  False domain: You gain resistance to one of the following damage types based on the good-evil scale of your alignment: Force damage if you are Neutral, necrotic if you are evil, or radiant if you are good
  Domain Burst: As an action on your turn you can cause burst of energy to all creatures around you. When you do so all creatures within a 15ft sphere of you (including yourself, but you make it with advantage) must make a constitution saving throw (DC 8+ your proficiency bonus + your constitution modifier) on a failed saving the creature takes 2* your level damage of the type you are resistant to due to the false domain feature. On a passed save the creature takes half as much damage. You can do this once a short rest.
  Hurza The Hurza have a tie to their divine nature still which they can use to create effects similar to their old power. False Immortality: When you are knocked to 0hp you can choose to cause your body to turn invisible as a identical creature appears standing over where your body is, this new body can take actions as normal and looks the same as you with a slight translucent look and an aura visible around it. You can mentally control this manifestation and are aware of anything that this manifestation is, it has the same stats and for all intense and purposes is considered the same level as you and items as you, other than magical items if it is a variant on a base item you get the nonmagical version of it instead, as you (if you had any abilities that were expended they are still expended for this manifestation) but has 1/8th of your maximum hp (rounded down, with a min of 1) and any check or attack it makes is with disadvantage. This manifestation can not communicate with other creatures nor interact with you in anyway. This manifestation lasts for 1 minute, or until you fail all 3 death saves or regain consciousness, this can not be used if you do not fall unconscious when reaching 0 hp. You can only use feature can only be used once a long rest.
  Volthen The Volthen are able to draw upon their previous ties to divinity to increase their physical potential cutting it off from the divine roots and changing it into a more earthly power. Earthly Empowerment: As an action on one of your turns you can increase your mind and body 10 fold, when you do this you gain advantage if you do not already, on the first saving throw you make after each of your turns after activation for 1 minute. You can only use this feature once a long rest.


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