
Age - Demonbreds much like demons don’t die unless killed. However they aren’t bound to any plane, and die when killed
Size - Demonbreds usually stand around 6-7ft, your size is medium unless specified otherwise
ASI - +2 to Strength
Speed - 30ft
Demonic Resilience - You are Immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition
Demonic Flavoring - Depending on your Demonic Subrace, you may share traits or appearances of that Demon, (example a Goristro may have hooves or horns or a glazeblau has the pincer)
Languages - You can read, write, and speak Common and Abyssal

Demonic Subraces

Balor Bred
ASI - +1 Charisma
Bonus Proficiencies - You gain proficiencies in Longswords and Whips
Demonic Fright - You gain proficiency in intimidation or expertise if you already have it, however this causes your balor ancestry to slip. If you make an Intimidation check, Roll a DC 13 wisdom save or you make an attack on the creature you tried to intimidate  
Glabrezu Born
ASI - +1 Intelligence
Twisted Tongue - You gain proficiency in persuasion, and it is doubled if trying to convince a creature to commit an evil act or ruin their lives
Glabrezu Pincer - One of your hands is a pincer, this makes you proficient with your unarmed strike and it does 1d6 +str mod bludgeoning damage, when you reach 11th level the d6 becomes a d8. This hand cannot do anything except attack. You also only have one normal hand
Goristro Born
ASI - +1 Con
Charge - You gain proficiency in Athletics, Additionally, when you move 15ft towards a creature before attacking, you gain advantage on the first attack.
Minoraur Legs - You have hooves instead of feet, and have a base movement of 40ft.
Marilith Born
ASI - +1 Dex
Marilith Tail - You are proficient in stealth, you have no legs, instead having a snake tail.
Sword Expert - You are proficient in Longswords, Shortswords, and Greatswords


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