Dire Thunder

1st level Evocation spell   Casting time: 1 action   Range: 60 feet (10 ft radius pilar on target as center point, 30 ft height)   Components: V, S   Duration: Instantaneous   You call fort the power of tempest, thick and dark winds bring out clouds that surround your environment, and thunderous powers envelop you.   Choose a point or creature you can see within range. Clouds form above the chosen target, as a blue thunder descends upon them, shocking any creature on it's path. Any objective caught under the choose location or near the enemy upon it's radius (Only in case of having choose a target and used as the middle point of the pillar), must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, the creature takes 2d6 lighting damage. On a success, they take half damage upon impact, successfully bracing the shocking struck.   For every spell slot above level 1, the caster can create another bolt, and choose another location to release it. The caster cannot choose the same location, but can choose the same creature.   Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


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