Duelist Wand

Duelist Wand
Magic Wand, Rare, Requires Attunement by a spellcaster

The wand holds 5 charges and regains 1d4+1 charges each day at dawn. You can expend charges to cast the following spells:
Spells Charges
Shield, Zephyr Strike 1
Counterspell 2
You can use a bonus action to change this wand into a magic rapier, dealing Force damage instead of Piercing damage. You are proficient with this weapon. In addition, whenever you cast Counterspell through this wand while in its rapier form and you are 5 ft. or less from the target of your Counterspell you can make an attack with this weapon as part of the same reaction. If your attack hits, it inflicts 1d8 additional Force damage per level of the spell targeted by Counterspell

Cost: 6000 GP   source image
Image transcribed for ease of use. Mostly my use


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