Embrace of the Bloody Tempest

This ring is a gold wedding band modified with a Blood Tree core and an Air elemental Core. When the Large Gold Leaf is pressed once, It becomes encased in tiny moving clouds. When pressed again, the clouds disappear and the Leaf turns Blood Red. It can rest around a finger, or can be installed into a prosthetic. Requires 12 hours to attune, and an extra 4 if integrating into a prosthetic . Does take up an attunement slot when integrated into a prosthetic.

Back off my Man: +1 to AC
Bipolar Lover: User can spend 1 Bonus Action to change Focus on the ring between Bloody Kisses and BOOM!CLAP! Sound of my Heart

Bloody Kisses: While wearing this ring and in this Focus, AFTER an attack is made, the user can use a Bonus Action to Heal themself for 1d4 times the amount of succesful attacks against a creature taken on their turn. This action has 20 charges, each charge representing A d4. Charges Reset after a long rest.

BOOM!CLAP! Sound of my Heart: While wearing this ring and in this Focus, user may add an additional 1d4 Thunder damage to Attacks made.
Wondrous Item Prosthetic Attachment/Ring Rare Requires Attunement
Base Price
Cost: 500 Plat
Raw materials & Components
Requires: 1 Ring valued at 500 Gold Minimum 1 Blood Tree Core 1 Air Elemental Core (Must be crafted by a Wizard or Artificer with a DC of 25 Crafting)


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