Genasi {Void}

Many theorized how void genasi came to be, but most guesses include them as corrupted form of air elementals or perhaps the results of certain kinds of magical experiments or rituals. The void genasi are generally humanoid, but have an eldritch, otherwordly aspect about them, such as out of place abberations that frequently appear on their body, extra appendages, limbs, eyes, wispy smoke or cloud-like hair, skin that's ice cold to touch or palettes that shift from dark blue and purple to shimmering starry textures, giving them a look of as if the night sky was condensed into the form of a person.   Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1   Unending Breath. You can hold your breath indefinitely while you're not incapacitated   Resistance. You are resistant to psychic damage   One with the Void. You cease to exist until your next turn, and can choose to reappear up to 30ft within the spot you vanished from. You can use this feature once per long rest.


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