Genthil Walker

Large beast (unaligned)   Ac: 12 Hp: 40 (5d10+10) Speed: 60ft walking climbing and swimming   Str: 17 Dex: 15 Con: 14 Int: 1 Wis: 10 Cha: 12   Senses: dark vision 120ft passive perception 10 Cr: 2   Features: 6 legs control: you ignore all terrain effects that slow your speed ( ex: storm, rough terrain, rough waters)   Bubbler: while under water it can create a bubble of air to breath in extending breath holding from minutes to hours for it and riders ( min of 1 hour of breathable air)   Leaper: you can jump long and high your full speed without moving   Massive size: this creature can have 2 medium creatures or 1 large creature mounted on it with no issues.   Action: Claw: melee weapon attack, +6 to hit, reach 10ft, hit: 2d8+3 slashing damage   Bonus action: Fast mount: Dash action Spare arms: grapple action   Diet: fish and plants Found: beach, ocean, mountain valleys, wastes   Price: 215 GP


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