Ghost Wedding Dress

A slim and slightly transparent wedding dress, made with the bodies…ectoplasm…energy(?) from ghosts. What a wedding it will be.
Spooky Slide. The wearer can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. The wearer takes 9 (2d10) force damage if they ends their turn inside an object. A creature that ends it's turn in an object or creature is pushed out to the nearest unoccupied space.   Spooky Sight. The wearer can see 30ft. into the Ethereal Plane when on the Material Plane, and vice versa.   (2/LR) Spooky Ghost Gimmick. The wearer as an action can attempt to possess a creature within 5ft of it. The targeted creature must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw of be possessed (view Possession from Ghost statistics). Alternatively, as an action, the wearer can cause a creature within 5ft of them to posses the wearer.   The possession lasts until either the possessor uses an action to end the effect, or the creature is forced out by magic. (The dispel evil and good spell will accomplish this if it is not one of the creature types whose possession that spell normally ends.)
Rare Wondrous Item
Base Price
300 Platinum, 1 Ghost Body


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