Ghoul Radiation

Ghouls are a people who have been exposed to massive amounts of radiation. Mutating them into beings of a near zombie like appearance.
  ASI: Add +2 to one stat of choice and +1 to another stat of choice
  Size: Your medium
  Speed: Your base speed is 30
  Creature type: You are humanoid
  Ghoulish Nature: Due to your mutated genes, you do not need to eat, or drink, and you are immortal, staying at the age you were when turned.
  Radiated Systems: Your systems are unusually tough. Your immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition
  One with the Fallout: You know the poison spray cantrip, and once you reach 3rd level you know the ray of sickness spell as well. You can cast the spell without a spell slot an amount of times equal to your prof bonus per long rest.


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