
Ability Score Increase. Your strength score increases by 2, your con score by 1, and your wisdom score decreases by 2.   Speed. Walking speed of 30 ft.   Age. Half-Ogres age at the same route as their non-ogre half (Detailed later)   Alignment. Half-Ogres have the inherent bent of chaos from their Ogre heritage, and may feel a general pull towards gluttony or excessive destruction, though a half-ogre of strong will can overpower this.   Size. Half-ogres take their size and stature from their giant heritage, standing between 7'5" and well over 8 feet. They weigh 450 pounds on average. Your size is large.   Darkvision. You have darkvision out to 60 feet, typical darkvision stipulations apply, you cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.   Giant Stature. You gain proficiency in the intimidation or athletics skill.   Giant's Might. You can wield any weapon that is not heavy as though it were light, and ignore the heavy and two-handed properties. However, you cannot effectively use two weapon fighting with an item that would be two handed.   Language. You can speak Giant and Common, but cannot read. You can sacrifice learning a language from something such as a background feature to gain the ability to read.  


Versatile. You gain one extra skill proficiency and one tool proficiency. Commonly, this tool will be smiths tools, as Half-Ogres of all kinds tend to enjoy weaponry.   Hobgoblin:
Martial training. You are proficent in one martial weapon of your choice and light armor.   Refusal to fail. You share a Hobgoblin sense of pride, and this combined with your natural tendency to anger creates a refusal to fail before enemies. If you miss an attack roll or fail an ability check or saving throw, you may gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of enemies within 30 feet of you (Maximum bonus of +4). Once you've used this ability it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.     Bugbear:
Long Limbed. When you make a melee attack, you gain 5 feet of reach.   Stealthy. You gain proficiency in the stealth skill.   Orc:
Cruel Glee. With the natural savagery of both of your parents races, you gain joy from finishing off enemies. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hp, you gain temporary hit points equal to the cr of that creature (minimum of 1). If you outright kill a creature, you gain temporary hp equal to twice their cr (minimum of 2)


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