Hollow the Kaijublooded.

(Exclusive earned race for Zãncro#0436 ) The character Hollow, with the help of Rekoma, experimented on himself the with blood of a kaiju, a highly dominant corruption source, after surviving all the effects his body rapidly evolved with the infection material to survive ( passed a series of saving throws that if any failure would have resulted in death only recoverable through true resurrection or wish) 

he remains like hollow in appearance but when blood is exposed to air its thick viscous and stark black smelling of sulfur 

Eventful feature: Kaiju blitz: as a bonus action, you can enter a state of blood lust that causes your eyes to go black and weapons to leak your blood as if they are part of your body. While in this state you gain +3 to your strength ability score and your dark vision becomes devil sight, for 1 minute. after using this feature you can't use it again till you take a long rest.

Dark vision: You can see in dim light within 120ft of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of grey.

Skilled individual: You can choose 1 skill to gain proficiency in.

Ability score increase: 
+2 to one ability score 
+1 to one ability score 

Age: immortal 

Alignment: Hollow tends towards neutral decisions 

Size: medium 

Speed: 35ft 

Languages: Common, 1 language of choice.


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