Inner Skin Suit 1M

Hydrostatic Gel, Internal Recycling, & Personal Environment System.

While attuned to the armor, you receive the following:
You are immune to fall damage.
You are immune to natural weather effects.
You can survive up to 80 days without food or water.
You can survive up to 2 hours without air before beginning to suffocate.
You can go up to 1 week without rest before needing to make a save against exhaustion.
You can survive in an ordinarily inhospitable environment for up to 4 hours (per long rest) before suffering any of its effects.

Legion BIOS.M1.

You are immune to the surprised condition and have blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. If a creature or object moves within the area they are immediately revealed to you regardless of if they are hidden.
Wonderous item, Legendary, (Requires attument)


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