Kato’s Legally Distinct Merc Cards

They retain all stats of a normal Merc Card but can be upgraded with the following. A card can have multiple upgrades and comes in both the advanced Merc card variant and normal. A card without any of the special storages uses a pre-made demiplane to house currency. Cards disintegrate if someone attempts to tamper with them

Convenience: You can transfer any amount of formally recognized currency in contact with itself with one action. (5 gold)

Pulse Recognition (Does not work with constructs or undead): The card cannot be used if the person holding the card is dead. (25 Merc)

Magic Recognition: The card cannot be used while the holder is under a charm effect nor possession. (50 Merc)

Vault storage (psychical vault): Store the money in a vault to make the card more affordable. This card can not be used if either account is in a place that does not allowed teleportation. (changes base cost to 1 Merc for basic. 50 for advanced.)

Multi Access: The account holder can designate others who can use the card for this account. (5 merc)

Local Storage (not applicable with vault storage): The money is stored within the card itself and is not stored within an account. You must have access to this card to use the funds within in. If the card is destroyed all funds appear within the nearest unoccupied space. This can hold a maximum of 200 lbs of currency. (Changes base cost to 5 Merc, 75 for advanced)
Base Price
Base cost: 10 Merc (unless use vault or local storage). 100 Merc for advanced (unless vault or local storage)


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