Leovwit's Element's Bane

L.E.O Presents...   Element’s Bane (Template) Artifact, Headwear (Requires Attunement from a spellcaster)   The Element’s bane is made of some of the strongest of monsters which correspond to a element. There are believed to be 6 of these artifact variants, each corresponding to a specific element. These elemental crowns/tiaras take a type of color depending on the element it corresponds with, fire being red, lightning blue, thunder yellow, cold white, green poison, purple acid. While attuned to the artifact, you gain the following benefits:   Elemental Overlord. You have mastered the elements, When you cast a spell that deals (The chosen elements) damage, you treat creatures immunities as resistances and resistances as normal, if has a feature that prevents them from taking that damage type, they take the damage they would.   Elemental shield. You gain resistance to (the chosen damage type)   Innate Spellcasting. The Element’s Bane has 10 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges at dawn. You can expend charges to cast the following spells without components, additionally, you may transmute the spells damage to be (the chosen element) if it isn’t already. Casting in this way uses your spellcasting DC. Fireball (2 charges) Lightning Bolt (2 charges) Chain Lightning (5 Charges) Cone of Cold (4 Charges) Ice Storm (3 Charges) Fire Storm (6 Charges) Plane Shift (6 Charges) Investiture of Flames (5 Charges) Investiture of Ice (5 Charges) Investiture of Stone (5 Charges) Investiture of Wind (5 Charges)   Effects of Element’s Bane. The one who is attuned to the elements bane is changed by the artifact. Those attuned to the Elements Bane seeks to keep it safe as possible and are always paranoid around creatures who are experts in (chosen element) out of fear they seek the power of Elements Bane themselves. You gain 1 Major beneficial & 1 Minor beneficial property to help defend your Element’s Bane.   Materials: a body of a creature CR 21 or higher, with immunity to the damage type of the element chosen in the element’s bane.   Cost: 7.5k Platinum


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