Mend Flesh

1st-level transmutation   Casting Time: 1 action   Range: Touch   Components: V, S, M (a needle and thread)   Duration: Instantaneous   “The body is a vessel for the soul, and the soul calls to itself.”   You stitch closed an open wound or reattach a whole limb severed in the past minute. If the target is alive or undead, they regain hit points equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1). If a limb was reattached, until the creature finishes a long rest, they suffer disadvantage on all checks that require them to use the reattached limb. If the limb is a leg, their movement speed is halved during this time. If the limb is an arm, they suffer disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons held using the arm during this time.   At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a slot of 2nd level or higher, the time limit increases by 10 minutes per slot level about 1st and the target regains additional hit points equal to their Constitution modifier per slot level above 1st.


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