
Either an experiment gone wrong or you were born with this, whatever happened you are now stuck with this.
Ability Score Increase. Two different Ability scores of your choice increases by 1.
Age. They mature at the same rate as humans but once they reach 18, they tend to live up to 85 to 105 years old.
Size. Your size is medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
Languages. You speak, read, and understand Common and one extra language of your choice.
  Mutation. You have gained a mutation that’s now a part of you, instead of being it being a drawback, you can use this to your advantage. Choose one mutation:
Helping Hand. Sometimes a helping hand or two is needed, so now you have your own back. You grow 2 more arms, allowing the user to carry more items and they gain an extra action to use item interaction action or make a single attack. You have disadvantage on Acrobatics.
Eyes Everywhere. You heard that mothers have eyes in the back of their heads, well now you do to and also other places as well. You grow eyes on your body, you can’t be surprised in battle, you also gain proficiency in perception and advantage. With too many eyes to keep up with, you have disadvantage to being blinded. (roll 1d10 to see how many eyes you develop)
Thick Skin. When they say grow some thicker skin, they don’t mean it literally, but now you can use that to your advantage. You gain a +2 to your AC if you’re not wearing armor. Quick Thinker. They say two heads are better than one and it seems to be that case for you. You grow an extra head, you gain a +1 to intelligence and an extra reaction. Twice the brain power means twice the headaches, you are vulnerable to psychic damage


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