Napping Turtle

Creature type: Beast
Native to: Seiseian beaches
Size: Large
Health: 34 (4d12+6)
AC: 16
Str: 12
Dex: 8
Con: 15
Int: 4
Wis: 13
Cha: 14

CR: 2

Naps-a-lot This creature spends 15 hours a day sleeping. It requires at least 12 hours for a long rest
Danger Sense This creature can sense foul intentions from 45 feet away.
Wise and Stupid This creature can not communicate or speak any languages, but it has wisdom beyond mortal comprehension. Animal handling can give you slight insight to this creatures thoughts.
Tameable This creature can be tamed to act in ones benefit after 2d4 weeks Napping Turtle This creatures Melee attacks have a reach of 15 feet
Hungry Bois This creature fails all wis saves after eating orange fruit. This effect lasts 4 hours

Actions: SNAP Reach 15 ft. +5 to hit, 1d6 Piercing + 1d6 Blud damage

This big ol turtle (pictured Below) is a grumpy bastard from the ocean. Their kind can make nice pets or guards for homes. They are vegetarian and partial to mango  


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