
Ability Score Increase: +1 Wisdom, +1 any stat Age: Natureborn are made from natural and druidic energy so they can live a long time, they reach maturity at about 200 years and can live as long as 1000 Size: They are usually as tall as humans, your size is medium. Speed: Their walking speed is 25 ft. Languages: You can speak, read, and understand Common, Druidic (If you are a druid you can pick Sylvan instead of Druidic from the race), and one language of your choice
  Natural Form: Choose a natural form out of the 6 below, you can switch your natural form at the end of a long rest, but only a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per level.
  Bear: +1 Con Score and increase walking speed by 5ft 1/long rest as an action, Bear's Endurance: gain advantage on constitution ability checks and increase your AC by 1. This lasts for a minute
  Bull: +1 Str Score and increase your health by 1 for every level str mod/rest as a bonus action, Bull's Strength: Gain advantage on your next strength based attack.
  Cat: +1 Dex Score and increase your movement speed by 10ft. dex mod/rest as a reaction to falling or taking damage from an attack, Cat's Grace: When using as a reaction to falling can choose to take no damage upon landing, if using as a reaction to taking damage you can impose disadvantage on the damage roll.
  Eagle: +1 Cha Score and set flying speed to 25ft. 1/rest as an action, Eagle's Splendor: Choose a humanoid within 30 ft of you, that humanoid needs to make a wisdom saving throw (DC 10+prof bonus+cha mod)
  Fox: +1 Int Score 1/long rest as a full turn (action, bonus action and movement speed), Fox's Cunning: Restore one spell slot of your highest available level (Can not go past limit)
  Owl: +1 Wis score and set flying speed to 20ft. 1/short rest as action, Owl's Wisdom: Choose one creature within 10ft, heal them for (your proficiency bonus)d4


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