
born from either devil demon or celestials combined, it gave birth to the naphalem, the hybrid of the them!   ASI - +1 to any stat
Age - Naphalems tend to live for several centuries, although due to many naphalems wild and varying lifespans and ways, no definable age of maturity has been found yet.
Size - Your base size is medium, as you stand about 5-7ft
Alignment - Naphalems are always likely to pick between Good or Evil, it is rare to meet a neutral naphalem
Speed - your base walking speed is 30ft
Complex minds - At 10th Level, You have advantage on saves against being Frightened and Charmed
Subrace - As a Naphelam, you may choose a "Subrace" based on which side of your heritage you have choosen (Or has been chosen for you) to embrace  

Naphalem Subraces

Demon Dominated
ASI - +2 to Str
Chaotic Legacy - You gain resistance to Necrotic damage and have advantage on saves against poison
Demonic Nature - You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill
Celestial Dominated
ASI - +2 to Wis
Celestial Legacy - You have resistance against Radiant damage
Wings of an angel - you sprout wings, sometimes up to 4. These wings give you flying speed equal to your walking speed
Devil Dominated
ASI - +2 to Cha
Infernal Legacy - You have resistance against fire damage
Devils Tongue - You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, additionally you have advantage if talking with fiends
Balance of Nature
ASI - +1 to any 2 stats
Volatile Legacy - Roll a D6 after every long rest. On a 1-2 You gain the effects of Demon Dominated. On a 3-4 you gain tge effects of Celestial Dominated. On a 5-6 you gain the effects of Devil Dominated (All excluding Stat increases)

Made by Zãncro#0436 Revised by GioGio#8872 and RomanRepublic753BC#0753


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