Omni-Directional Hands

Rare This item looks like a belt with two canisters with nozzles at the hip and back, along with a silver pair of thin tubes connection to a pair of wrist-mounted shooters   When in use, a long blue and gray sticky hand shoots out from the shooters, connecting to any surface needed, and the canisters shoot out steam to propel the user along.   While worn, this item grants an omni-directional speed of 80ft within the confines of a city, forest, large cavern, or other such terrain with a lot of buildings or surfaces.   In a more dense and thick area, such as a cramped (10x10 or smaller) cave, or a thick forest, this speed is reduced to 40ft   The range of this speed extends up to 120ft beyond the highest surface in the area.   While in use, this item also doubles your grapple range, and reach to grab items, though not use them.   Price: 550 PP


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