Orb of Alteration

Rare   3500 GP   A twinkly orb of weapon altering abilities. Break the orb and sprinkle the dust onto a non-magical weapon of your choice. Roll a d8 to see how the orb will alter your weapon permanently. This orb has no effect on ammunition and improvised weapons. (For example I will use a shortsword.)  
  1. Your blade feels hot to the touch. While rolling damage, add 1d6 fire damage.
  2. Your blade makes enemies shiver. Add 1d6 cold damage
  3. Your blade shocks those who touch it. Add 1d6 lightning
  4. Your blade rots the insides of whoever is struck by it. Add 1d6 necrotic damage
  5. Your blade melts the skin of the enemy, irritating even the bones. Add 1d6 acid damage
  6. Your blade makes the nerves jump and ache. Add 1d6 psychic damage.
  7. Your blade glows vibrantly, the gods would be happy. Add 1d6 radiant damage
  8. Your blade gets imbued with magical energy...and gets duller, being overloaded by the magic. Your damage gets subtracted by 2 (ex. Previously 1d6, now 1d6-2)
  9.   This also makes the damage of the item magical


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