
The Pi’illo is a remnant of a civilization lost to time. To the untrained eye, it simply may look like a rock, some may seem it as just a funnily shaped rock that vaguely resembles a pillow, but to those who have spent countless hours studying and learning magic, despite its appearance, can recognize the unique magical properties of this unsuspecting “rock.”*

The Pi’illo is actually an ancient tool from a forgotten society that is capable of harnessing Somnium Energy from locations where creatures of great significance have slept before, such as the cave of a Tarrasque or the bed of a Vampire Lord. Once the Pi’illo has been set down, all it takes is for someone who is capable of sleeping and dreaming to lie down, rest their heads upon it, and close their eyes. Once done the individual will immediately enter REM Sleep, and through this, the Pi’illo conjures a portal to the Dream Realm.

The Portal to the Dream Realm is a multicolor swirl that takes the shape of a cloud above the individual’s head. The purpose of this is to allow over individuals around the sleeping person to enter the Dream Realm and be transported to a Somnium Dungeon. A Somnium Dungeon takes on the properties of the area around which the sleeper used the Pi’illo, as well as whatever Somnium Energy that was collected while beings of great power rested there earlier. The Somnium Dungeons are usually rather large in scale, and are filled with creatures made from Somnium Energy, such as Quori, or other well known dream creatures. These dungeons serve all sorts of purposes: the homes of dream beings, worlds for livid dreamers to explore, or more specially, the defenses for a Dreamer’s Poppy.

While not its main purpose, the Pi’illo can be used anywhere, regardless of if a significant creature slept there to gather Somnium Energy. Instead of creating a dungeon, it will instead create a sort of pocket dimension that is the dreamer’s dream that other people can access via the Dream Portal. However, this could lead to danger as this will draw the attention of creatures that lurk in the Dream Realm.

A Pi’illo can be found in ancient ruins of the forgotten civilization, in a museum, or maybe even somewhere in a market selling questionable objects.
Legendary, Wondrous Item


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