Poser's Ring

“Finally become your favorite anime character!!!”

When hitting a creature with a Katana, Rapier, Dagger, or Longsword, you do not deal damage, but instead apply 1 Poser stack on that creature. The next time you sheath your weapon which you can now take as a bonus action instead of a full action, you deal all the damage you would've done plus 1 extra damage for each poser stack (Ex: If you're using a rapier that deals 1d8 piercing damage with a +2 to damage from your dexterity modifier, and you have 3 poser stacks on a creature, when you sheath your weapon, you would deal 3d8+9 Piercing damage to the creature.) You can also apply Poser stacks on separate creatures so when you sheath, you hit several creatures at once
Uncommon Magic Item (Requires Attunement, Attuned creatures must wield a longsword, katana, rapier, or dagger)


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