Propulsion Boots {Octotech}

Rare, Footwear While you wear these boots, you have a flying (hover) speed of 30. You can use these boots for as long as you have Propulsion fuel, you can store up to 2 lbs of Propulsion fuel, each lb giving 2 hours of flight. When you decide to use these boots to fly, you expend a lb of fuel for the 2 hours. If you are flying when the Duration expires, you lose you're hover speed and you descend at a rate of 30 feet per round until you land. The Boots regain Propulsion Fuel when you buy Propulsion fuel and refill the tank, which takes 1 minute per lb After using these boots for 2 or more hours, they must have a cooldown for refueling of 1d4 hours   Price: 6000 Jen/gp       Propulsion fuel Uncommon, 1 lb Price: 16 Jen Propulsion fuel can be used to refuel Propulsion Boots, each lb is sold individually


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