
Ability score increase: +2 int +1 dex
  Age: 18-160 years of maturity
  Medium 5-6ft tall
  Speed: 30ft
  Language: common, Cybernetic ( a magical verbal only language all constructs can understand and no other race can understand without comprehend languages or a Similar effect)
  Darkvision: As an action you may turn on or off your darkvison of 60ft in shades of green
  Innate spell casting: with no need for material components Casting is with intelligence At will: Dancing Lights , Light At 3rd level once per long rest: Color Spray or Guiding Bolt At 5th level once per long rest: Pyrotechnics or Scorching Ray
  Energy supply: You have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion
  Half organic: You are considered made of metal and flesh


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